

The PTA's fundraising efforts are multi-faceted and we have many opportunities to participate at all levels. All of our fundraisers support the PTA’s mission to build community and enhance the educational experience for our children.

Here's how it will look for the 2023-24 school year:


Local Business Sponsors

  • PTA Sponsorship – We love partnering with local businesses in the community. There are several tiers of sponsorship available (see here for more details). Our sponsors are featured in our communications and at major events, and the funding is used to support events for the school community.

Fundraising Events

  • Book Fair – The PTA sponsors a Book Fair in November. The fair is open during the school day as well as select times before and after school. Proceeds from the Book Fair are used to fund special projects in the library.

  • Spirit Nights - This year, we will hold two Spirit Nights with Chipotle, during which they will provide part of the proceeds of their business to the school. We encourage everyone to plan for no cooking on these nights, as supporting their business is supporting our school! 

  • Spirit Wear Sales - We sell Spirit Wear at the beginning of every school year. These sales help us to be able to support some of the school events with extra funding. Check out our Fall 2023 sale here!

  • No-Fuss Fundraiser: What is an "no-fuss" fundraiser, you ask? Unlike our events, where kids and grown-ups have some work to do, we run the "no-fuss" fundraiser in November so that all you have to do to support your school is to give what you can. That's it! No selling stuff - no buying stuff - no time required!

  • Read-a-thon – The Read-a-thon raises funds while encouraging a lifelong love of reading in our kids! Children set reading goals for a 2-week reading period and ask family, friends, and neighbors to sponsor them. Prizes are given for reading and fundraising, with top readers getting extra special recognition!

  • Spring Auction - We organize a spring evening playdate at the school, during which we sell raffle tickets for a mix of prizes. This year's auction will be organized online, though we will still have some prizes only available at the event! In the past, we've found sponsors to cover pizza for all attendees, as well as food trucks and entertainment for the event itself.


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2023-2024 PTA Sponsorships










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Sponsorships available here or

to become a sponsor today.